Believe in yourself and you can achieve
Things you never thought possible
Believe in yourself and you can discover
Talents new, that lie away hidden
Believe in yourself and you can reach
New heights that you thought unscalable
Believe in yourself and you can solve
Problems that defy any solution
Believe in yourself and you can conquer
Any situation, however difficult
Believe in yourself and you can make
The most complicated things seem simple
Believe in yourself and you can learn
The skills of gaining knowledge from experience
Believe in yourself and you can enjoy
The beauty in nature's abundance
Believe in yourself and you can perceive
New depths your senses can apprehend
Believe in yourself and you can perform
Way beyond your expectations
Believe in your goal and work towards it
With determination and dedication
Believe in yourself and output enhance
By contributing to a given situation
Believe in yourself and you'll feel blessed
As God's very own special creation.
Absence sharpens love, Presence strengthens it.
A S R Pratap
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